The dirtiest 4 letter F word…

To my mind the dirtiest 4 letter F word in the English Language. FearIn relation to entrepreneurs and indeed managers of small and medium businesses I think there are a number of areas we should exploreFear Of FailureFear Of Reputational DamageFear Of The Opinions Of PeersFear Of Authority (Taxman, Regulatory Bodies)Fear Of Public SpeakingFear Of […]

Fundamental Fear of GDPR

GDPR is coming. Like it or not Every business has a responsibility to be compliant by 25th May or simply in 3 weeks from todayWhat must you do.You must nominate a person to be responsibleYou must write a policy for managing dataYou must check if you should be registered with the data protection commissionerYou must […]


When I sit back and think about how I became an entrepreneur I recognise that my entire career has pivoted around just 2 words. Strangely enough they are F words.  Fear and FunFear and Fun are the two most powerful motivators in most people and especially in entrepreneursIt is often referred to as towards and […]


The quality of entrepreneurship.Every business starts out as fantasy, an idea a notion. Indeed in any pub on any street on any night seated on a stool you will find the resident entrepreneur talking the theory of his latest business fantasy.The difference between that entrepreneur and the one running a real business amounts to 3 […]

Forensic Financial Figures

Most people who own businesses judge the success or not of their business by the amount of money in the bank at the end of the month.We should of course be happy with that but there is more. Today let’s look at a simple one person business.If we are looking at the numbers there are […]

Finding New Customers

Fact your promotional material has Four seconds or less to catch the reader’s attention before it gets filed under not F but R for Recycle or in electronic terms the reader moves on, clicks the back button or proverbially swipes left.So the problem, or rather the solution is about holding your audience.Before you start.First step: […]


Its 2018 so our new theme is F words. This year I’ll also be challenging you to implement a specific set of actions at the end of each blog.The lesson I want to share this month is to Finesse meaning Skill, Subtlety, Flair, Assurance.There is a magic question to ask at the start of the […]


At the end of a year It’s customary in business to look back and look forward and assess critically how you did according to your business plan and make appropriate changes for the next year.For our blog series We can look at our businesses to see How close to right we are in Response to […]


Silly Season in business is a great time to stop for a think. Before everything kicks off for the dash to Christmas There is a magic question to ask. Who are your customers? Who do you want as your customers and the answer? There are a MULTITUDE of customers. But from among that multitude there […]


It’s the back end of 2017 and there are only 3 left in this series of blogs.  I want to make the most of it so I am going for the longest word of its type.For October Our key word will be VERISIMILITUDE.Verisimilitude means having the appearance of truth, credibility, honesty. These are things that […]