Questions are the answer

Have you ever thought about the power of a question? Recently I was at one of those webinars and the presenter came up with a statement that started me thinking. He said ‘A question is like the enter key on your necktop computer’. He went on to explain – I only know this because I […]

Numbers, Numbers, The obsession with Numbers

Of all the things I want for my clients, my friends and myself, the thing I want most is success. Success is measured in many ways, Lifestyle, financial success, number of holidays per year… Everyone has their own measuring stick and it is different for different people.  The common factor on the measurement stick is […]

Life is different post covid

Massive Change

When I was working through the alphabet in December 2018 to plan this series of Blogs who would have predicted the change in our world? No one could have written this. Then we missed a few months of actually publishing the blog while I concentrated on ‘All the mistakes’ and so here we are in […]

Life and the Motive for Business

Most of us look in the mirror, a bit bleary eyed in the morning while we shave, brush our teeth or do make up. But when you look in the mirror you can be sure of one thing. The person you see looking back at you is not quite the same as the person looking […]

Keep on Keeping on

We talked a few months back about the Grit and Gumption needed to survive by every business owner. Yet there are some days when it gets on top of you, the pressure is too much and you are not sure what to do. How do you keep on keeping on? What does it take for […]

Just do Something -Anything

Happy 2020. We have reached J in our alphabet themed blog series and the truth is that I wrote this for September, to follow on from innovate and change. I never published it with everything going on around launching the book All the Mistakes. The thought process began when I heard the lyric of the […]

Christmas 2019

To Christmas Card or Not?

People say Happy Christmas, Happy Holidays, Season’s Greetings but what’s it all about? Business spends large amounts of money buying biscuits, chocolate and wine because it is what you do, to appreciate customers.  We have a Christmas party because its expected. We say and do things at this time of year that we don’t usually […]

Innovation, Ideas and, Interest

Innovation has become such a buzz word over the last decade that the even put it into the name of a government department. There are even degree courses in innovation. I looked up the word and what I found was that innovation is a posh word for modernisation, invention, improvement and originality. In simple terms […]

Holidats Health and Happiness

Holidays, Health and Happiness

The sun comes out for at least a few days every summer, the kids finish school, the traffic gets lighter and the silly season starts. For us as entrepreneurs July brings its challenges be they a work life balance thing or a downturn or an upswing in sales and you notice it all just a […]

Gumption and Grit the route to achieving your Goals.

Do you remember when you were a child and you had a bath rather than a shower? When you let the water out of the bath there was a residue, a ring of dirt left on the surface of the bath? If you didn’t clean it off straight away it was really hard to remove. […]