
For our second last blog in this series I’ve chosen the word Magnitude As a small business owner I’ve sometimes been struck by that aspect of being in business. The magnitude, scale or enormity of the task facing me. I suppose that is part of the reason I am a mentor for businesses.  My aim […]


Silly Season in business is a great time to stop for a think. Before everything kicks off for the dash to Christmas There is a magic question to ask. Who are your customers? Who do you want as your customers and the answer? There are a MULTITUDE of customers. But from among that multitude there […]


It’s the back end of 2017 and there are only 3 left in this series of blogs.  I want to make the most of it so I am going for the longest word of its type.For October Our key word will be VERISIMILITUDE.Verisimilitude means having the appearance of truth, credibility, honesty. These are things that […]


The eighth in our series of 12 this month’s word in the heart of holiday season is Vicissitude.The dictionary says that vicissitude means variability, unexpected change The ups and downs of a business lifeI think the ability to deal with the unexpected is at the heart of a successful business. Not just the unexpected negative […]


July Marks the 7th of our series of blogs so I though there is a value in doing a quick recap of the story so far.In January we talked about the ATTITUDE, approach and mind-set needed for a new year to be different from the last one.  How important is that as we look to […]


So it’s June, Already!  The secondary schools close today until September, the long leisurely days of the summer stretch before us and we could just roll through and allow the silly season to start early in our business.Instead let’s talk instead about the ALTITUDE of our goals for the next 3 months.90 days, less 14 […]


The deeper I go into this series of blogs on “itudes” the more it reveals to me.Longitude follows Latitude as night follows day and nothing is truly positioned without knowing the accurate longitude. This is calculated by the position of the sun and a chronometer – a very accurate timepiece. (actually all of this is […]


The next 2 blogs in this series are intricately interwoven in more ways than one. They are Latitude and Longitude.  In a navigational sense the two are related to the exact positioning of a ship or location So for example Dublin’s co ordinates are 53.35° North of the equator and  6.26° West of GreenwichWhen we […]


Month 3 of our new series brings me to a word I remembered from my confirmation back in 1973. They told me it was something I might get on the spot as a gift.  It took a long time before I began to experience it. It’s an old word, rarely used now but it is […]

“If you always do what you always did…”

Last month I wrote about Attitude to business, life and success.I want to build on that theme over the next few months.So I’ve invented a word to describe my thoughts on  The attitude of Strategy – Strattitude.Where we have to start, is by asking three strategic questions:What do I want to achieve over the next […]