All The Secrets


Discover the tactics they DON’T teach you about starting your own business!

In this book, you will find many of the tools you need to minimise business mistakes, reduce risks and convert your business plan into a solid and successful enterprise.

There are many “nuggets” throughout the book to help make it easier to read. It is written to be easily understood and whether you are starting a business or already running one, this book can help make your journey a little less bumpy and help you to reach viability faster.

It is mistakes that delay our success, so avoid them!

Available in both print and digital version!


Make your entrepreneurial journey easier and a LOT more profitable a LOT sooner!

Peter Cronin started his first business at 14, and has been an entrepreneur and business owner ever since. Driven by a desire to change the world one business at a time, he has made, and learned from, all the mistakes! He has been mentoring start-ups and small businesses since the early 1990’s.

In this book, he shares (almost!) everything he has learned, so that your business journey can be smoother and more successful, a LOT sooner!

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Book Type

Print Version, Digital Version